Link is the official website of the Parabow project (an international project funded through EU Raphael Scheme) in which Zuzana Kmetova, one of our members, participated as a Slovak partner between the years 1998-2000. The project was devoted to the preservation and reconstruction of the wooden buildings of architecture as an important part of the European cultural heritage. This website contains quite extensive section on Slovak folk wooden architecture. Famous Slovak wooden churches are also featured. So are traditional skills related to the wood workmanship and the role of wood in the life of Slovak folks in the years gone by. Rich photo gallery included.

Link will direct you to the website devoted to Slovak folk traditions, customs, beliefs and craftsmanship. It was prepared by 2 of our members (Zuzana Kmetova, Matej Schwarz) in their free time with most kind professional support & assistance of Ms. Nada Machkova. This website is a rich source of information for those interested in various aspects of folk culture. We are thinking about gradually relocating it to this website.

Of course, apart from the links, new articles will be added in due course.