Majority of the territory of Slovakia (60%) is rather mountanious, the southwest and eastwest regions are predominately formed by lowlands and rolling hills (40%).
the highest mountain: Gerlach Peak (Gerlachovský stít) - 2 655 m,
the lowest land point: intersection point of the River Bodrog and the boundary between Slovakia and Hungaria (93m)
the largest river: Danube (Dunaj), the 2th largest European river (2830 km, 1992 m3/s) sourced in the Alps and German Black Forest
the largest river sourced in Slovakia: Váh (378 km, 153 m3/s)
the largest lake: Great Hinco's Lake (Velké Hincovo pleso) - 20 ha, a mountain glacier lake
There are only few lakes in Slovakia; all of them are rather small, the largest water bodies are to be dams.
the largest dam: Orava Dam (Oravská priehrada) - 35,4 km2, maximum volume: 345,87 mil. m3
the largest cave system: Caves of Demanova (Demänovské jaskyne) - 33 km, Stratena Cave (Stratenská jaskyna) - 21 km
the deepest abyss: "Old Castle" (Starý Hrad) - 432m